Nursery - The Acorn
Welcome to St Georges Church School Nursery
St Georges Church School Nursery aims to provide a welcoming, safe, nurturing, inclusive and stimulating environment where children feel secure and happy to achieve their full potential. Our setting is led by a team of highly skilled Early Years Practitioners. We provide a broad & balanced provision based on the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum which follows the current interests and individual needs of the children.
We provide full day child care for children aged 2 - 4 years old, 7.30 a.m. - 5.30 p.m. Monday – Friday during term-times. Flexible sessions are available; all day, mornings, afternoons, lunchtimes or a mixture of sessions. Children can start the term after they turn two years old. We offer 15 or 30 funded hours depending on your eligibility, with the opportunity to top-up sessions at a hourly rate of £4.95 from September 2021. Please visit the Childcare Choices website for more information or to check your eligibility for funding:
Having a wonderful purpose-built, open planned, indoor environment with direct access to a large enclosed outdoor area allows children to have free flow indoor and outdoor play. Our environment is reflective of the children’s interests, abilities and needs as well as the Nursery’s Christian ethos. By regularly reviewing and updating our environment, we offer a creative & stimulating continuous provision which enables us to deliver the best possible education and care for the children in our Nursery. Being part of an inclusive school, we also benefit from being involved with school events and have access to the wider school’s facilities and teaching staff which aids the transition your child will make when they move into a Reception setting.
Phase one phonics starts in Nursery. This supports children in developing speaking and listening skills and helps them become attuned to the sounds around them. It is through building a firm foundation in phase one that children move confidently and competently onto developing oral blending and segmenting skills.
Each child is inducted into our setting based on their individual needs and this usually begins by visiting your child in their home environment and by taking the time to get to know them and their family. We understand the important role parent & carers play in their children’s development and we endeavour to build positive working partnerships.
If you would like to find out about a space for your child or would like to make changes to the hours your child currently does, please complete the following form.
Thank you.
Our Fantastic Environment
The Acorn Crew
Mrs Charlotte McConnell is the Early Years Leaders with oversight of all aspects of Nursery provision and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead.
Mrs Sarah Starr is SENCO and works with the Nursery staff to oversee inclusion.
Miss Amelia Downward, Miss Lyndsey Allen, Mrs Julie Chapman and Miss Joanne MacDonald are Nursery's fantastic Early Years Practitioners.
Every member of our Nursery team is qualified to work within the Early Years and has completed Safeguarding training. Team members are also Makaton and Behaviour Therapy trained, Paediatric First Aid trained, Team Teach and Food Hygiene certificated.
* Extended Nursery Provision 7.30 a.m. - 5.30 p.m. *
Nursery offer an extended provision to include an Early Years Breakfast and After School club for 2 - 4 year olds and provide full wrap- around provision from 7.30 - 5.30 p.m. every day!
Our Early Years After School provision takes place in Nursery’s outstanding purpose-built indoor and outdoor facilities and is run by Nursery team members. With the children’s personal, social and emotional wellbeing being of paramount importance to us at all times, by running our extended provision in Nursery, with Nursery staff members, ensures consistency. The children are familiar with their safe, stimulating environment and are also cared for by the adults that they know well and whom they have secure attachments with.
For more information or to reserve your child’s place please message us via our Facebook page, phone 01934 429601 or email
At St. Georges Church Nursery we use an online system called ‘Tapestry’ to record, track and share children's learning journals with their parent/ carers. This application enables staff to take photographs, videos and make written observations of the activities the children do at Nursery. Parent / carers have access to their child's learning journal via a personal password protected login and they are encouraged to add their own comments and photos from home to their child's journal. These can be photos from a day out, a recent achievement, a current interest or them playing with their favourite toy.
We aim to do several observations each half term and these may be linked to the children's individual next steps. We also share ideas with parent/carers to enable the support of the children's next steps at home. This helps to provide a strong partnership with parents as information on the children's learning & development is shared both from parent / carers and staff.
Find out more about what we have been doing in the Nursery this year by clicking the link below:
Useful Links
Please follow the link below to access our whole school policies