Safeguarding and Child Protection
NSPCC Net Aware Website
Very useful website with good detail about various apps and websites.
We are committed to promoting the welfare and safeguarding all children at St Georges Church School and Nursery and expect everyone to share this commitment.
In line with our safeguarding policy and statutory guidance we have clear procedures in school for responding to any concerns about a child’s safety or wellbeing.
The Safeguarding Team at St Georges:
Designated Safeguarding Lead Jo Thorn Headteacher |
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Sarah Starr Deputy Headteacher |
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Hannah Neilan Assistant Headteacher |
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Charlotte McConnell Early Years Leader |
The Governor responsible for Safeguarding and Child Protection is Ally Webb. She attends relevant courses run by Governor Services and Bath & Wells Multi Academy Trust. She can be reached via email:
The Safeguarding Lead for the Multi Academy Trust is Darren Ling. He can be reached on 01749 372700.
If you are concerned about a child's welfare or worried they are being abused please contact one of the safeguarding team in school. Alternatively you can make direct contact with the Local Authority via the link below.
Safeguarding Governor
Ally Webb
The school is secure during the school day, so all visitors are asked to report to the main entrance. Please be mindful that for everybody’s safety, identification procedures will be carried out.
All members of staff are vetted against national safeguarding procedures before being allowed to work in school. At least one member of every interview panel has undertaken safer recruitment training to ensure that best practices and all necessary checks are carried out.
You may find some of the websites and documents below useful:
Educate Against Hate
This is the parents page of the 'Prevent website